We employ the Corelyzer software at the repository as a useful tool for visualizing sediment cores and associated data. Download the software here: Corelyzer Software
From their website:
“Corelyzer is a free, open source application for core image and data visualization. It is available for macOS and Windows. Corelyzer, sometimes called “CoreWall”, enables fast and reliable inspection of core lithologies and associated data at any location and scale, minimizing the need for repeated core handling, while improving and facilitating interpretation. Corelyzer handles thousands of full-resolution core images efficiently, and runs on nearly any Mac or Windows laptop or desktop.
Corelyzer was originally developed by E. Ito, S. Higgins, C. Jenkins, J. Leigh, and A. Johnson. CSDCO/LacCore developments have yielded major improvements to Corelyzer in recent years through continual feedback from facility visitors and the community at large. These efforts have enabled full utilization of the software for every project team that visits the facility and by an increasing range of institutions around the globe.”