The OSU MGR is funded by NSF to provide curation for marine geological samples. Curation and sample dissemination is therefore a central part of the OSU MGR’s activities. The core lab is equipped with, and has access to a range of equipment that can be used to measure cores. Some of this is included under standard curation practice, others require fees.

To use our equipment and/or instrumentation listed below, please submit an Analytical Request.

Curation of SamplesNo charge for NSF funded projects
SamplingNo charge for NSF funded projects. Though we will request PI’s undertake their own sampling for large requests.
Sending SamplesNo charge for ground shipping for NSF funded projects. Expedited, Air, or special shipping will incur costs.
Archival Materials (D-tubes, specialized boxes etc)At cost/provided by investigator. Please email for details and pricing
Freeze Dryer$12 per day use with technician oversight. Training and set-up costs may apply – see Technician Time
Splitter Saw/Rock Saw$17 per day use with technician oversight. Training and set-up costs may apply – see Technician Time
Split core track GEOTEK XZ (Camera, Magnetic Susceptibility)$86 per day use with technician oversight. Training and set-up costs may apply – see Technician Time
Whole core/split core GEOTEK MSCL-S (MS, GRA, PWave, Resistivity)$91 per day use with technician oversight. Training and set-up costs may apply – see Technician Time
GEOTEK XYZ Multi-core track (MS, handheld XRF, color spectrophotometry)$86 per day use with technician oversight. Training and set-up costs may apply – see Technician Time.
ITRAX XRF core scanner (capable of split core and uchannel samples)$33 per hour of use with technician oversight. Training and set-up costs may apply – see Technician Time.
CT scan performed at OSU College of Veterinary Medicine$171 per scan, includes technician time.
Technician Time$93-$161 per hour. $93 per hour is the standard rate for training, set-up, data processing, instrument and technical assistance, database entry, etc. The higher technician rates may apply for CT scan analyses.